Whistleblowing Channel
Make your report at any day and anytime
What is the Whistleblowing Channel?
The Whistleblowing Channel is a proactive and transparent communication tool for reporting violations, omissions and any non-compliance with the Code of Ethics, corporate conduct in violation of the rights of the consumer community, policies, legislation that may cause damage to the Company's activities, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders.
How the work is done
How the channel works
How is the denunciation made?
TIM Brasil offers a communication channel in which any citizen, organization or company may file a complaint electronically, online, or by phone at 0800-900-8007, while maintaining anonymity and security.
Registration and anonymity
Registration is done using a form specially designed to obtain information without identification.
Track your complaint
You can track the complaint's status by the protocol number provided when the complaint is sent.
Why having an independent system?
Code of ethics
Report any violation of our code of ethics
Call 0800-900-8007 or make your report online. The Whistleblowing Channel operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Questions about the Whistleblowing Channel
How can we help you?
Main doubts
The reception of the report is carried out by the company Contato Seguro. Systemically, Contato Seguro forwards such a report to the Reporting Channel which is under Audit's management. Audit will deliberate on each case individually, proceeding with a thorough investigation of the information in each case. If necessary, Audit will forward the complaint to the competent area of the Company, monitoring the analysis until its conclusion.
The Whistleblowing Channel is a specific and official communication channel of TIM S.A., for the internal and external public to share reports on events of corruption, bribery, fraud, moral and sexual harassment, possible irregularities or accounting improprieties, or any other issues of an accounting nature, auditing matters, corporate conduct in violation of the rights of the consumer community and those related to internal controls, standards, policies, ethics, human rights and the environment. This space was created to strengthen the foundations of corporate governance through transparency, as well as to observe:
• The United States legislation, Sarbanes- Oxley Act/2002, to which TIM S.A. is subject as a company registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission – SEC, with shares listed through an ADR program on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
• CVM Instruction 509 regulates the activities of the Statutory Audit Committee, establishing the need for a channel to receive complaints.
• The international anti-corruption standards (FCPA); and, The Brazilian Anticorruption Law (Law no. 12,846/2013), regulated by Decree no. 8,420/2015.
• Code, laws and regulations associated with consumer law.
• Brazilian laws, norms and codifications of the diverse branches of Law, such as: Civil, Constitutional, Labour, Tax among others.
The Whistleblowing Channel of TIM S.A. is available to deal with all matters related to acts of corruption, bribery, fraud, moral and sexual harassment, accounting improprieties or any other accounting issues in general, auditing matters, corporate conduct in violation of the rights of consumers and those related to internal controls, standards, policies, ethics, environment and human rights.
The Channel is available to the internal and external publics with which the company relates, namely: employees, shareholders/investors, administrators, customers, suppliers/partners, Government, community, organised civil society and other stakeholders.
Complaints may be registered through the Corporate Intranet, Internet (tim.com.br > About Us > Reporting Channel) or by telephone through the number (0800 900 8007), available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Complainants who file complaints will not be identified under any circumstances, whether on the Intranet, on the Internet or by telephone. Anonymity and confidentiality will always be guaranteed, whether the allegations are confirmed or not. There is no record of the IP's of the computers of the users of the system via Internet, and there is the secrecy of telephone recording.
No On the contrary. TIM S.A. does not tolerate any kind of threat or retaliation against a person for raising a concern in good faith. The objective of the Whistleblowing Channel is to facilitate the identification of irregularities that may exist in the Company, which are in disagreement with the laws, ethical and conduct norms. Reporting suspected misconduct in good faith will not result in any adverse action against you (such as harassment or loss of benefits). This protection also covers any person who provides information or cooperates in a subsequent investigation.
No, the only exception is if we are required by law to do so or if it involves an important public interest.
Yes. When the complaint is made, the complainant is automatically given a protocol number.
TIM takes all reports of possible misconduct very seriously. All investigations will be carried out with care, confidentiality, and professionalism. In the event it is determined that misconduct has actually occurred, our Company will take appropriate action.
Yes, it is possible. The complainant should go to Follow up your complaint > Further information > Send reply.
Yes, it is possible through the protocol number generated and given to the complainant when the complaint is made. They should follow it up by inserting the protocol number at Follow up your complaint.